CBSE Std XII students smile after political science paper

Nagpur: CBSE Std XII scholars have been pleasantly stunned as the political science paper, hung on Tuesday, was once errorless and easier than that they had anticipated it to be. Most of the students finished the paper neatly forward of time.
Rebecca Mathews, a student of Centre Point School (CPS), Katol Road, said, “The paper was once very easy. Questions asked have been normal. I did not in finding any part difficult. Paper was once now not long thus I used to be in a position to finish it 15 minutes early. Paper had no mistakes.”

The paper was once medium level difficult. I got set Three which was once more difficult than set 1 and 2. 1 and 2 mark questions have been easy. 6 mark questions have been the difficult ones. Paper was once now not so long. I stopped it 10 minutes early. Paper had no mistakes,” said Rudhransh Datta from Bhavan’s Bhagwandas Purohit Vidya Mandir (BVM), Shrikrishna Nagar.

Sahil Patil, a student of CPS, Katol Road, found the inquiries to be long. He added, “The paper was once medium level difficult for the reason that questions asked were not so difficult, however long. 6 mark questions have been very difficult as that they had most effective Three point solutions however we had to write a lot to make it for 6 marks. 1 mark questions have been very easy because it had 1 phrase solutions. Paper had no mistakes.”

“The paper was once total easy. It went beautiful neatly. Map questions, that have been for 5 marks, have been very easy. 6 mark questions have been difficult because it had most effective Three issues however we had to elaborate it and the ones have been time eating additionally. Overall, the paper was once now not so long,” said Akanksha Mishra, from CPS, Katol Road.

“I had got set 2 which was once comparatively difficult from set 1 and set Three. Still, I found the paper to be of medium level problem. I anticipated a a lot more difficult paper. 1 and 2 markers have been very easy and 6 markers have been difficult. I found the paper to be long, however I stopped it on time. Paper had no mistakes,” said Anushka Vaidya, any other student from BVM, Shrikrishna Nagar.

Aalhad Raut, a student of CPS, Katol Road, said, “The paper was once easier than what I had anticipated. Last part of the paper, which had 6 mark questions, had long solutions. We had to write numerous normal issues in 6 mark questions as a result of they didn't have more than Three-4 issues. 1 mark questions have been very easy. This yr, we had more alternatives in the query paper which was once very helpful. Paper was once now not long and had no mistakes.”

CBSE Std XII students smile after political science paper CBSE Std XII students smile after political science paper Reviewed by Kailash on March 20, 2019 Rating: 5
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