JAMMU: The Jammu and Kashmir police has arrested from Rajasthan the brother of former BJP minister Lal Singh who were on the run for the reason that registration of a case towards him for allegedly abusing leader minister Mehbooba Mufti all over a public rally.
The officials said that Rajinder Singh alias Bobby used to be arrested in Udaipur, the place he used to be hiding. He is being delivered to Jammu.
A video, circulated on social media, purportedly showed him hurling abuses at the leader minister all over the Dogra Swabiman Rally in Hiranagar final month.
The officials said that Rajinder Singh alias Bobby used to be arrested in Udaipur, the place he used to be hiding. He is being delivered to Jammu.
A video, circulated on social media, purportedly showed him hurling abuses at the leader minister all over the Dogra Swabiman Rally in Hiranagar final month.
Ex-BJP minister's brother arrested for 'abusing' J&K CM Mehbooba Mufti
Reviewed by Kailash
June 10, 2018