HYDERABAD: A recent controversy has erupted over Rs 525-crore evacuee property land registration in Puppalaguda. Telangana Stamps and Registration division has suspended Gandipet in fee sub-registrar Anil Kumar over allegations that he registered 35 acres of evacuee property land in names of distributors, claiming to be felony heirs of original claimant, Motilal Chandumal, regardless of their names now not figuring in the Webland database and Record of Rights (ROR) of the earnings division. Suspension of the in fee sub-registrar got here after actor and Rajahmundry MP M Muralimohan’s company, Jayabheri Group, and others filed lawsuits with the Telangana CMO.
Telangana stamps and registration division additional inspector basic MV Rajesh told TOI: “Senior assistant Anil Kumar, who is in fee sub-registrar of Gandipet, was once suspended 4 days ago as he registered 35 acres of evacuee property in violation of regulations. Names of distributors claiming to be felony heirs of Chandumal didn't determine in the web database. Without verification, the authentic registered seven paperwork referring to 20 acres and handed over ownership to 5 vendees, Guru Nanak Engineering College Society, an actual property company, Ramachandra Rao and two others. We refused to provide paperwork to them referring to last 15 acres of land. According to Section 6-B to D of ROR (Record of Rights) Act, names of distributors must determine in ROR and so they must possess passbook and title deed. Mutation of information must be done if it has to be transferred to others.”
Rajesh said, “Complaints have been filed by way of Jayabheri and four others stating the webland database had their names and wondered how land can also be registered to other events? We don't seem to be going into legality of the title. We only looked into the violation of regulations. We have verified whether or not distributors produced pattadar passbooks and title deeds and the sub-registrar verified the database. These two issues didn’t occur”
Ranga Reddy DIG of stamps and registration division VV Naidu has been appointed inquiry officer, and his report is awaited. The authentic govt price of land is round Rs 2.5 crore consistent with acre and the marketplace price is expected to be round Rs 15 crore consistent with acre.
“The land abets ORR. Initially, we were given a grievance from Y Sujata and later from Jayabheri. The original evacuee Motilal Chandumal gave basic energy of legal professional to at least one Hansaram who in flip sold it to Saleema Fatima, Ibrahim and Mahmood Ali. They sold it to complainants between 1995 and 1997. In 2002, every other energy of legal professional, a notarised one, was once created in the title of one Manikya Rao, who sold the land to Ramchandra Rao and others, ” VV Naidu said.
However, Ramchandra Rao and others, who claim they hang the rightful title, alleged that the alleged GPA in Mumbai, in accordance with which Hansaram sold to Saleema and others is cast and the report with that number is mortgaged. They claimed they rightfully bought the land from felony heirs of Chandumal and said the dept has stopped registration of 15 acres of their names.
Telangana stamps and registration division additional inspector basic MV Rajesh told TOI: “Senior assistant Anil Kumar, who is in fee sub-registrar of Gandipet, was once suspended 4 days ago as he registered 35 acres of evacuee property in violation of regulations. Names of distributors claiming to be felony heirs of Chandumal didn't determine in the web database. Without verification, the authentic registered seven paperwork referring to 20 acres and handed over ownership to 5 vendees, Guru Nanak Engineering College Society, an actual property company, Ramachandra Rao and two others. We refused to provide paperwork to them referring to last 15 acres of land. According to Section 6-B to D of ROR (Record of Rights) Act, names of distributors must determine in ROR and so they must possess passbook and title deed. Mutation of information must be done if it has to be transferred to others.”
Rajesh said, “Complaints have been filed by way of Jayabheri and four others stating the webland database had their names and wondered how land can also be registered to other events? We don't seem to be going into legality of the title. We only looked into the violation of regulations. We have verified whether or not distributors produced pattadar passbooks and title deeds and the sub-registrar verified the database. These two issues didn’t occur”
Ranga Reddy DIG of stamps and registration division VV Naidu has been appointed inquiry officer, and his report is awaited. The authentic govt price of land is round Rs 2.5 crore consistent with acre and the marketplace price is expected to be round Rs 15 crore consistent with acre.
“The land abets ORR. Initially, we were given a grievance from Y Sujata and later from Jayabheri. The original evacuee Motilal Chandumal gave basic energy of legal professional to at least one Hansaram who in flip sold it to Saleema Fatima, Ibrahim and Mahmood Ali. They sold it to complainants between 1995 and 1997. In 2002, every other energy of legal professional, a notarised one, was once created in the title of one Manikya Rao, who sold the land to Ramchandra Rao and others, ” VV Naidu said.
However, Ramchandra Rao and others, who claim they hang the rightful title, alleged that the alleged GPA in Mumbai, in accordance with which Hansaram sold to Saleema and others is cast and the report with that number is mortgaged. They claimed they rightfully bought the land from felony heirs of Chandumal and said the dept has stopped registration of 15 acres of their names.
Sub-registrar suspended over Rs 525 crore evacuee land scam
Reviewed by Kailash
May 06, 2018