Hyderabad man receives Rs 3.81 lakh power bill

HYDERABAD: A domestic shopper was once given a shock via the electricity department which generated a bill for Rs 3,81,571. D Swarupa, a resident of Srinivasanagar, Boduppal in the town has been asked to pay the massive quantity for a billing which was once completed for 32 days from May 9 to June 10 at the basis that 40,059 devices of power was once fed on. According to the split up in the bill the energy fee levied is Rs 3,79,087, an additional fee of Rs 2,403 has been added as electricity responsibility. The due date for cost is June 24.

TSSPDCL officers got right into a tizzy when the patron brought this to the notice of the officers on Tuesday afternoon. When contacted via TOI, an authentic of the world admitted that there were a mistake in generating the bill. He mentioned a personnel member was once sent to the house once more to test the meter studying.

“We gave a new bill to the patron for Rs 134. It was once spotted that simplest 63 devices was once fed on," the authentic mentioned.

Asked how the patron at the beginning got the sort of huge bill, he mentioned there were a mistake in typing out the true meter studying and due to this fact a bill-cum-notice in response to that was once sent to the patron. A personnel at the control room additionally mentioned that it was once not possible for a domestic shopper to have got a bill for Rs 3.81 lakh. "There will have to be something improper with it," he mentioned and directed that the precise information could be equipped via a senior authentic if he had been to be contacted.

"There was once a mistake in keying in the choice of devices fed on and due to this fact the massive bill was once generated," the authentic mentioned
Hyderabad man receives Rs 3.81 lakh power bill Hyderabad man receives Rs 3.81 lakh power bill Reviewed by Kailash on June 12, 2018 Rating: 5
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