Rajkot: Clash broke out between buyers and police staff that had gone to Bardhan Chowk in Jamnagar to tow vehilces parked illegally on Wednesday overdue night. Police resorted to lathicharge following scuffle with buyers who averted law enforcement officials from towing vehilces.
However after the intervention of senior law enforcement officials an amicable resolution was arrived at and no formal criticism was logged.
According to police, all the way through patrolling a sub-inspector on foot saw automobiles parked haphazardly in the congested Bardhan Chowk area and referred to as for the towing van. As police began towing the automobiles, one of the crucial buyers stopped them and entered into an issue with the group of workers.
The police on duty detained the buyers and took them to close by Darbargadh police chowky. However, inside of mins massive selection of buyers reached to the chowky and demanded unencumber of the other buyers.
To keep watch over the placement police resorted to lathicharge. Superintendent of police Sharad Singhal instructed IdealNews “We had a gathering with buyers and an amicably resolved the issue. I've handed over the inquiry into the issue to deputy superintendent of police.”
However after the intervention of senior law enforcement officials an amicable resolution was arrived at and no formal criticism was logged.
According to police, all the way through patrolling a sub-inspector on foot saw automobiles parked haphazardly in the congested Bardhan Chowk area and referred to as for the towing van. As police began towing the automobiles, one of the crucial buyers stopped them and entered into an issue with the group of workers.
The police on duty detained the buyers and took them to close by Darbargadh police chowky. However, inside of mins massive selection of buyers reached to the chowky and demanded unencumber of the other buyers.
To keep watch over the placement police resorted to lathicharge. Superintendent of police Sharad Singhal instructed IdealNews “We had a gathering with buyers and an amicably resolved the issue. I've handed over the inquiry into the issue to deputy superintendent of police.”
Traders, police clash in Jamnagar over towing vehicles
Reviewed by Kailash
March 14, 2019