Ace filmmaker Aanand L Rai has shared a quirky teaser of his subsequent ‘Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan’ starring Ayushmann Khurrana within the lead position. After the good fortune of ‘Shubh Mangal Saavdhan,’ the actor and the manufacturer are collaborating once more for this peculiar movie.
Aanand L Rai took to his Instagram profile to proportion the teaser along with his target market and captioned it, “100% Prakritik Pyaar !! #ShubhMangalZyadaSaavdhan#Valentines2020”
Check out the teaser here:
The minute-long teaser captures the evolution of affection stories within the cinema and how we're aware of the heterosexual ones. Later, it portrays the ones stories which existed within the society but were untouched, the affection stories of homosexuals.
Writer Hitesh Kewalya had written the screenplay and dialogues for ‘Shubh Mangal Savdhan’ will likely be directing the movie. ‘Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan’ is slated to unencumber on Valentine’s Day 2020.
Aanand L Rai took to his Instagram profile to proportion the teaser along with his target market and captioned it, “100% Prakritik Pyaar !! #ShubhMangalZyadaSaavdhan#Valentines2020”
Check out the teaser here:
View this post on Instagram100% Prakritik Pyaar !! #ShubhMangalZyadaSaavdhan #Valentines2020 @ayushmannk @cypplofficial @hiteshkewalya @erosnow
The minute-long teaser captures the evolution of affection stories within the cinema and how we're aware of the heterosexual ones. Later, it portrays the ones stories which existed within the society but were untouched, the affection stories of homosexuals.
Writer Hitesh Kewalya had written the screenplay and dialogues for ‘Shubh Mangal Savdhan’ will likely be directing the movie. ‘Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan’ is slated to unencumber on Valentine’s Day 2020.
Watch: ‘Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan’ teaser
Reviewed by Kailash
May 10, 2019