Tirupur: The rural police on Thursday seized a automobile, which was once used for transporting explosive materials close to Palladam. Both blasting gelatin and detonators have been transported together within the automobile illegally, police resources said.
A police team engaged in automobile inspection on Karanampettai-Somanur Road Junction had apprehended the mini truck wearing explosive materials, used in stone quarries. "The truck was carrying 1,500 electric detonators and 1,300 gelatine sticks. It is illegal to transport both the materials together in the same vehicle as it might lead to explosion," a police officer said. Police found that the materials have been manufactured in a manufacturing facility in Mettur in Salem district and they have been about to be supplied to stone quarries in Karanampettai and surrounding villages. TNN
A police team engaged in automobile inspection on Karanampettai-Somanur Road Junction had apprehended the mini truck wearing explosive materials, used in stone quarries. "The truck was carrying 1,500 electric detonators and 1,300 gelatine sticks. It is illegal to transport both the materials together in the same vehicle as it might lead to explosion," a police officer said. Police found that the materials have been manufactured in a manufacturing facility in Mettur in Salem district and they have been about to be supplied to stone quarries in Karanampettai and surrounding villages. TNN
Mini truck seized for transporting explosives
Reviewed by Kailash
October 27, 2017