NOIDA: Seeking a CBI probe into the homicide of BJP worker Shiv Kumar Yadav, his family members and local residents on Friday staged a protest in Sector 71 after hanging his frame at the street. The family has filed a case against 4 persons and a few unnamed others for the attack by which Yadav, his driving force and a bodyguard - Balli Nath and Rahispal - were killed on Thursday afternoon close to Tigri reduce in Haibatpur in Noida Extension.
Rahispal, the bodyguard, was once admitted in a essential condition to GTB Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries late on Thursday night.
Yogesh Yadav, Shiv Kumar Yadav's younger brother,
named 4 accused —Sunder Yadav, Chaman Singh, Devendra Yadav and Satyendra Yadav —all residents of Haibatpur, and some unnamed others for the homicide in FIR. Yogesh stated his family had some previous belongings dispute with those accused and the matter was once resolved five years ago. "Three years ago my brother had joined BJP and he swiftly rose to great heights. Some local people became jealous of my brother's rise and hence they murdered him. We demand a CBI probe into the matter," he stated.
The family members reached the post-mortem house in the morning and took away the frame. They then got here to Sector 71 crossing and placed the bodies of Yadav and Balli at the street. This created a heavy traffic jam for almost two hours and some officegoers and faculty scholars were additionally caught in the jam. Residents of Sector 119, Sector 120, Sector 121, Sector 71, Sector 72 and Sector 71 and people coming from Indirapuram were caught in jam from eight am-10 am.
Later senior officials from district administration and police reached the spot and pacified the protesters.
Rahispal, the bodyguard, was once admitted in a essential condition to GTB Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries late on Thursday night.
Yogesh Yadav, Shiv Kumar Yadav's younger brother,
named 4 accused —Sunder Yadav, Chaman Singh, Devendra Yadav and Satyendra Yadav —all residents of Haibatpur, and some unnamed others for the homicide in FIR. Yogesh stated his family had some previous belongings dispute with those accused and the matter was once resolved five years ago. "Three years ago my brother had joined BJP and he swiftly rose to great heights. Some local people became jealous of my brother's rise and hence they murdered him. We demand a CBI probe into the matter," he stated.
The family members reached the post-mortem house in the morning and took away the frame. They then got here to Sector 71 crossing and placed the bodies of Yadav and Balli at the street. This created a heavy traffic jam for almost two hours and some officegoers and faculty scholars were additionally caught in the jam. Residents of Sector 119, Sector 120, Sector 121, Sector 71, Sector 72 and Sector 71 and people coming from Indirapuram were caught in jam from eight am-10 am.
Later senior officials from district administration and police reached the spot and pacified the protesters.
BJP man’s family blocks road, seeks CBI probe
Reviewed by Kailash
November 18, 2017