Sassoon doctors give Bihar woman a new lease of life

Pune: A team of docs at state-run Sassoon General Hospital surgically removed a benign tumour mass weighing five.75 kg from the belly hollow space of a 45-year-old woman from Bihar recently.
The rounded tumour was once hooked up to the lady's proper kidney, making its surgical resection an overly advanced process to accomplish.

Medically termed extra-gastro intestinal stromal tumour (EGIST), it is regarded as extremely rare and best 58 instances of this sort of tumour are recorded in clinical literature from the world over, said mavens.

"The woman came to us with complaints of dragging pain in the abdomen, heaviness and palpable lump. Due to these complaints, she also faced difficulty in walking and performing routine activities. She had no other underlying medical conditions," said clinic's dean backbone surgeon Ajay Chandanwale.

The woman had those proceedings since the closing 15 months and even consulted non-public docs in Bihar.

"She came to Sassoon hospital's OPD for consultation on December 28. We examined her clinically and then got her CT scan done. The investigation showed retro-peritoneal tumour. However, CT scan could not show the origin of tumour as to which organ it was arising from," Chandanwale said.

Doctors scheduled her surgical treatment on January 2. "Our doctors carried out exploratory laparotomy in which they found huge tumour occupying almost whole of her abdomen. They found that the tumour was arising from the capsule of the right kidney. They surgically removed tumour without causing any injury to the kidney which was an extremely challenging work."

Besides, the docs carried out the surgical resection without inflicting any headaches and blood loss to the patient.

"When we weighed the huge circular tumour mass on a manual weighing machine it weighed 5.75 kg and measured 28 cm X 28cm X25 cm," he said.

There are equivalent instances recorded previously however the tumour measurement as seen on this was once extremely large when compared with earlier instances as reported in the world clinical literature, said the treating surgeons.

The surgical treatment was once carried out via team of surgeons comprising Lata Bhoir, Mayuri Kamble, Anita Ghuge, Keshav Jindal and Girish Chaugule underneath the supervision of Vandana Dube, head of the department of surgical treatment and P S Karmarkar, head of one of the surgical treatment units. K V Kulkarni and her team carried out the an important process of administering the anaesthesia to the patient.

The docs discharged the lady on January 9. "Post-surgery, she is doing well and has resumed her routine activities," said the lady's family.

Sassoon doctors give Bihar woman a new lease of life Sassoon doctors give Bihar woman a new lease of life Reviewed by Kailash on February 01, 2018 Rating: 5
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