BENGALURU: Differences have cropped between members in actor Upendra’s Karnataka Pragnyavantha Janata Party (KPJP) over choice of applicants. The party was once introduced in October last yr, and barely six months on, Upendra and the party’s founder-general secretary, D Mahesh Gowda, are at loggerheads. Sources say the actor is now mulling long run plans, including floating a brand new party or joining the BJP.
“The recent building is hurtful. I will be able to make a decision on long run course of action after consulting my supporters on Tuesday,” Upendra mentioned.
It all began when the party began the exercise of selecting applicants last week. The procedure could not take off as the party president and the general secretary were not at the same web page over the criterion of variety.
“Ever since the party was once introduced, Upendra was once taking unilateral selections and he behaved as if the party is one-man display,” Gowda mentioned. “When we were given autorickshaw symbol for the party, he chose to announce it on his own. He never concerned the place of work bearers in his tour programmes. Finally, we needed to tell him that we cannot publish together with his undemocratic angle.”
Upendra, alternatively, denied the fees.
“The recent building is hurtful. I will be able to make a decision on long run course of action after consulting my supporters on Tuesday,” Upendra mentioned.
It all began when the party began the exercise of selecting applicants last week. The procedure could not take off as the party president and the general secretary were not at the same web page over the criterion of variety.
“Ever since the party was once introduced, Upendra was once taking unilateral selections and he behaved as if the party is one-man display,” Gowda mentioned. “When we were given autorickshaw symbol for the party, he chose to announce it on his own. He never concerned the place of work bearers in his tour programmes. Finally, we needed to tell him that we cannot publish together with his undemocratic angle.”
Upendra, alternatively, denied the fees.
Upendra could quit his party
Reviewed by Kailash
March 06, 2018