DU student thrashed after scuffle, 2 held

NEW DELHI: In an alleged case of highway rage, a first-year Delhi University scholar used to be brutally thrashed by way of two males in northwest Delhi’s Bharat Nagar on Friday.
The incident took place after an argument started between the formative years, Harshit Kumar, who used to be on a two-wheeler, and a woman in her automotive. Their vehicles bumped into every other, resulting in the altercation and the next attack.

DCP (northwest) Aslam Khan said the woman’s husband Khem Singh and nephew Vishal had been arrested. The accused punched and kicked Kumar resulting in a neck fracture.

Kumar advised police officers that the incident took place within the night when he used to be returning home after fetching home items from a store nearby. “As I entered Ravidas Lane, I noticed a automotive stopped in the course of the street. I attempted to get previous it, however while doing so, my scooty brushed in opposition to it and the woman inside of started yelling,” Kumar said.

The argument took place proper in front of the woman’s area and on listening to the commotion, her husband got here out and started to scold Kumar and even slapped him. The argument snowballed additional when his nephew, Vishal, joined in. They thrashed Kumar in full public view, sooner than he used to be rescued by way of the locals, police said.

Kumar later knowledgeable his uncle who took him to a close-by medical institution. The circle of relatives then knowledgeable the police and his medico criminal case record used to be taken.

A case below simple hurt has been registered in response to the MLC record. However, the police can trade the sections because the opinion of the doctor is reserved. If he deems the wounds severe, the case might be registered below extra stringent sections.

Police are scanning the CCTV footage from the realm to determine the exact collection of events. They also are probing the woman for extra details.

DU student thrashed after scuffle, 2 held DU student thrashed after scuffle, 2 held Reviewed by Kailash on May 24, 2018 Rating: 5
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