Ludhiana: Rare 'Bombay' blood group patient successfully transfused at CMCH

LUDHIANA: A 60-year-old migrant labourer were given a success blood transfusion regardless of having a rare blood team known as "Bombay" Blood at Christian Medical College and Hospital. Ram Ajoor who runs a pan shop in city is suffering from anemia and complications of diabetes. The medical doctors organized donor for the labourers from Mohali after looking for the folks having this uncommon blood team.

As in step with medical doctors, simplest 4 out of one million persons are found to have this blood team and since its first case was detected in Bombay in India by Dr Y M Bhende in 1952 so it is known as Bombay blood team. Due to his condition the medical doctors made up our minds to transfuse one unit of blood and Dr Lydia Solomon who is treating him sent his blood pattern to the blood financial institution for arranging a transfusion.

In the initial analysis the blood team was found to be O sure but progressively when more exams were conducted it was found to be incompatible with all of the blood groups. Dr Aikaj Jindal, incharge Department of Transfusion Medicine conducted advanced exams in which it was detected that the affected person was found to have an excessively uncommon blood team known as Bombay Blood Group. Then Dr Jyotika and other medical doctors made a analysis at national stage to locate another such uncommon blood team donor. The medical doctors claimed that such uncommon blood team donors cannot receive any other blood team.

Their seek led them to Sankalp India Foundation, an NGO which led them to a donor living near Mohali. The donor was contacted by CMC and a a success blood donation was organized from the altruistic donor. After full testing his blood was then transfused to the affected person to assist in his additional remedy.

Speaking on this uncommon tournament Dr Anil Luther Medical Superintendent CMC, congratulated all of the workforce for his or her effort and their relentless pursuit for higher affected person care. He additional added that such Advanced Immuno-Hematology testing has led to identity of this type of uncommon blood team which would have been in a different way missed and affected person’s life would have been in jeopardy.
Ludhiana: Rare 'Bombay' blood group patient successfully transfused at CMCH Ludhiana: Rare 'Bombay' blood group patient successfully transfused at CMCH Reviewed by Kailash on May 05, 2018 Rating: 5
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