Auto driver, cops rescue abandoned baby

BENGALURU: Three days after the Electronics City police discovered a child abandoned in the trees near Doddatogaru and a lady constable breastfed her and gave her any other likelihood in life, Kodigehalli police took care of an Eight-day-old boy abandoned in an autorickshaw on June five.

Auto driving force A Doddappaiah discovered the child lying unattended in his vehicle. “I normally pick up passengers from the Kodigehalli railway station anddrop them toNagavara.On June five night time, I used to be on my way to the station at 10pm and found the road near Kodigehalli Gate used to be being repaired. I parked my auto there and walked to the station to seek out passengers,” he mentioned.

When he returned 15 mins later, he discovered a crowd around his auto. “When I went nearer, I noticed a child boy,” he mentioned. He alerted police and stored the child warm till they arrived.

Police first took the child to the station where they gave him packaged milk around 11pm. They admitted the boy to a sanatorium. Doctors mentioned he used to be in good well being.

DCP (North-East) Kala Krishnaswamy mentioned the child has been passed over to the Child Welfare Committee. “I'm hoping he unearths a good family who will take deal with him,” Doddappaiah mentioned.

Auto driver, cops rescue abandoned baby Auto driver, cops rescue abandoned baby Reviewed by Kailash on June 11, 2018 Rating: 5
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