Gurgaon's company workers were in for an atypical sight when Gurgaon Commissioner of Police Sandeep Khirwar picked up the bat and played the primary over in a month-long cricket event that started recently. The event - Eastman Premier League (EPL) - used to be started through an energy storage and sun solutions corporate in an endeavour to advertise camaraderie and common objective among workers. Launched this week, the event is at the lines of the much-celebrated IPL collection.
Sandeep Khirwar, Commissioner of Police, Gurgaon, enjoying at EPL
Inaugurated through Khirwar, the event will include 15 suits with eight teams and can take place during June at Sports Maidan, Sector 58. Khirwar said, "This is a unique and noble initiative that will encourage team-building among employees and drive work-life balance. Cricket as a sport also promotes discipline among players."
Sandeep Khirwar enjoying the primary over
Sandeep Khirwar, Commissioner of Police, Gurgaon, enjoying at EPL
Inaugurated through Khirwar, the event will include 15 suits with eight teams and can take place during June at Sports Maidan, Sector 58. Khirwar said, "This is a unique and noble initiative that will encourage team-building among employees and drive work-life balance. Cricket as a sport also promotes discipline among players."
Sandeep Khirwar enjoying the primary over
Gurgaon's Commissioner of Police kick-starts corporate cricket tournament
Reviewed by Kailash
June 12, 2018