MANGALURU: A frame of a labourer from Koppal was found reduce into two items in a drain at Chokkabettu, Surathkal, on Saturday.
Police are but to investigate the rationale and other folks in the back of the suspected murder. The sufferer has been known as Mariyappa, who hails from Kabbarag in Koppal, and was elderly between 40-50.
Police said Mariyappa was working as a day-to-day wage labourer in the town from the past six to seven years, and used to stick in labour camps. A preliminary investigation has revealed that he was murdered, reduce into two items, and bundled inside of a gunny bag, which was then thrown right into a drain. The corpse has been despatched to the mortuary, and a post-mortem will be performed after the coming of the sufferer’s relatives.
The police have started questioning people who stayed with him in the labour camp. A case has been registered at the Surathkal police station.
Police are but to investigate the rationale and other folks in the back of the suspected murder. The sufferer has been known as Mariyappa, who hails from Kabbarag in Koppal, and was elderly between 40-50.
Police said Mariyappa was working as a day-to-day wage labourer in the town from the past six to seven years, and used to stick in labour camps. A preliminary investigation has revealed that he was murdered, reduce into two items, and bundled inside of a gunny bag, which was then thrown right into a drain. The corpse has been despatched to the mortuary, and a post-mortem will be performed after the coming of the sufferer’s relatives.
The police have started questioning people who stayed with him in the labour camp. A case has been registered at the Surathkal police station.
Koppal labourer found murdered in Surathkal
Reviewed by Kailash
June 03, 2018