Violated traffic rules? Now, swipe your card to pay fine

ALLAHABAD: Looking for a solution to crack down on allegations of policemen asking for bribes and misbehaving with the general public, visitors police officers would now be armed with card swipe machines to assemble advantageous from commuters violating regulations within the city.

Traffic policemen with card swipe machines could be stationed at 25 places in Allahabad within the first segment in order that people may just pay for the advantageous the usage of their debit or credit cards. One may just spot policemen carrying these machines at Civil Lines and Colonelganj on Friday.

If the scheme is successful, extra visitors policemen could be supplied with these machines for advantageous collection.

SP (visitors) Kuldeep Singh, said, “The department has determined to deploy visitors policemen with card swiping machines at 25 spots together with offices of senior police officers as part of a pilot venture.”

Singh said, “The visitors police department could be protecting different necessary crossings and intersections within the subsequent phases.”

He added that rule violators should pay the advantageous in cash where the power of card swipe machines used to be now not available.

A commuter spotted violating visitors regulations could be given a challan and the he/she pays the advantageous both in cash or by way of swiping their debit or credit card in the course of the machine.

Police said that on an average, over 400 instances of visitors violations are reported in Allahabad each day.
Violated traffic rules? Now, swipe your card to pay fine Violated traffic rules? Now, swipe your card to pay fine Reviewed by Kailash on June 22, 2018 Rating: 5
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