KANPUR: In a extraordinary incident, around 18 big and small cobra snakes were present in a house in Dadhiyan village in Tirwa area of Kannauj district. Soon, rumours were rife that a 'Nagmani' and a big treasure haul were recovered from the house.
As soon as the scoop unfold, the locals thronged the house belonging to a woman Meera, and hired snake charmers to trap the reptiles and unearth the hidden treasure. The scared members of the family were pressured to take shelter at a neighbour's house.
The local resources informed that Meera, a widow, while attending family chores, came across a couple of cobra snakes in her house on Sunday and raised an alarm. "The neighbours, with the help of snake charmers, managed to trap both the snakes from the house and released them at the nearby forest cover. But that was the not the end of it. A few hours later, She found more snakes in the house. The snake charmers were called again, and they searched the house to find 16 big and small cobras all over the house", stated Nitin, Meera's neighbour.
He stated while the terrified circle of relatives ran away from their house and took shelter at the neighbour's house, rumours soon unfold of 'Nagmani' and hidden treasure buried in Meera's house.
As soon as the scoop unfold, the locals thronged the house belonging to a woman Meera, and hired snake charmers to trap the reptiles and unearth the hidden treasure. The scared members of the family were pressured to take shelter at a neighbour's house.
The local resources informed that Meera, a widow, while attending family chores, came across a couple of cobra snakes in her house on Sunday and raised an alarm. "The neighbours, with the help of snake charmers, managed to trap both the snakes from the house and released them at the nearby forest cover. But that was the not the end of it. A few hours later, She found more snakes in the house. The snake charmers were called again, and they searched the house to find 16 big and small cobras all over the house", stated Nitin, Meera's neighbour.
He stated while the terrified circle of relatives ran away from their house and took shelter at the neighbour's house, rumours soon unfold of 'Nagmani' and hidden treasure buried in Meera's house.
18 cobras discovered in Kannauj house
Reviewed by Kailash
July 16, 2018