CHANDRAPUR: A five-year-old boy was killed in predator attack in village Chichgaon (Baradkinhi) in Brahmapuri tehsil on Tuesday night. The sufferer, Surendra Dhore (five), was playing in entrance of his area when a pussycat attacked and killed him.
Camera entice footage printed that the assailant predator was a leopard. Bramhapuri Forest division has made up our minds to ship an offer to PCCF natural world seeking permission to seize the issue leopard, sources claimed.
Brief rigidity was witnessed in the village following the incident. A large crowd had accumulated at the place of dwelling of the sufferer challenging fast measures to curb predator assaults. Forest officials of North Brahmapuri wooded area vary rushed to the spot and pacified the villagers.
People are baffled via the intrusion of predator into the villages.
This is the 27th human kill in predator attack in the district this yr.
Camera entice footage printed that the assailant predator was a leopard. Bramhapuri Forest division has made up our minds to ship an offer to PCCF natural world seeking permission to seize the issue leopard, sources claimed.
Brief rigidity was witnessed in the village following the incident. A large crowd had accumulated at the place of dwelling of the sufferer challenging fast measures to curb predator assaults. Forest officials of North Brahmapuri wooded area vary rushed to the spot and pacified the villagers.
People are baffled via the intrusion of predator into the villages.
This is the 27th human kill in predator attack in the district this yr.
5-year-old boy killed in predator attack
Reviewed by Kailash
December 27, 2018