Crop-raiding wild elephant Chinna Thambi captured again

TIRUPUR: Crop-raiding wild elephant Chinna Thambi’s loose run in non-forest areas for 13 days has come to an end on Friday as wooded area division workforce captured it from near Madathukulam in Tirupur district on Friday.
It took more than six hours for wooded area officers to seize the 25-year-old elephant.

After the Madras top court docket approved the state government to seize Chinna Thambi, the dep. deployed more than 100 workforce and a three-member veterinarian staff to seize the elephant with the toughen of 2 kumkis -- Khaleem and Suyambu.

On Friday morning, the wooded area workforce started the operation when Chinna Thambi used to be found in a personal sugarcane box at Kannadipudur, the place it have been camping for the remaining five days.

Veterinarians, led via Sathyamangalam tiger reserve surgeon K Asokan, stood in three other puts with darts containing sedatives because the kumkis chased Chinna Thambi. The veterinarians sedated it with five darts, following which the workforce threw ropes across the elephant’ s neck. They got rid of the radio collar from the jumbo.

Later, Chinna Thambi used to be ended in a truck. The elephant used to be taken to Varakaliyur elephant camp the place it is going to be kept in captivity.

The elephant used to be earlier captured from near Thadagam reserve wooded area in Coimbatore district on January 25 and used to be released into reserve wooded area near Topslip. However, it returned to human habitats and began raiding plants.

Crop-raiding wild elephant Chinna Thambi captured again Crop-raiding wild elephant Chinna Thambi captured again Reviewed by Kailash on February 15, 2019 Rating: 5
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