AHMEDABAD: Zone 6 police on Thursday invoked Section 328 of the IPC against the four accused within the human trafficking case which despatched a shockwave through the city, especially after the accused were found to be HIV sure. A court additionally extended the police’s custody of Maya Sathawara by two days.
Police had arrested Sathwara and her partner Prakash Marathi on February three. On Tuesday they arrested two auto drivers, Anand Sharma of Morena and Shailendra Shivram of Bhind in MP, who allegedly kidnapped a woman with the purpose of human trafficking. During their medical checkup, it emerged that both Sharma and Shivram are HIV sure.
Section 328 of the IPC, is invoked for an try to harm by means of poison or stupefying, intoxicating or unwholesome medicine. In this example, police invoked it due to the HIV sure status of the accused.
Police had arrested Sathwara and her partner Prakash Marathi on February three. On Tuesday they arrested two auto drivers, Anand Sharma of Morena and Shailendra Shivram of Bhind in MP, who allegedly kidnapped a woman with the purpose of human trafficking. During their medical checkup, it emerged that both Sharma and Shivram are HIV sure.
Section 328 of the IPC, is invoked for an try to harm by means of poison or stupefying, intoxicating or unwholesome medicine. In this example, police invoked it due to the HIV sure status of the accused.
‘Poison’ charge invoked against HIV+ accused
Reviewed by Kailash
February 08, 2019