The previous year noticed Bollywood and plenty of different movie industries in the nation grapple with the #MeToo motion after girls in the end referred to as out the names of the perpetrators of the heinous act. Years after suffering in silence, girls across quite a lot of fields came out and fearlessly raised their voice towards sexual abuse. This year, the International Women's day is extra special to girls all around the nation as they today get up with the top held top, unfazed by way of any challenges that come of their means.
Read on to peer what the Bollywood stars and celebs around the nation have to say today as we rejoice the ladies's day -
Girls compete with every different however real girls support & empower. So, this Women’s day let’s stand in combination and suppo…
— Preity G Zinta (@realpreityzinta) 1552024727000
Happy #womensday , thanks to my coach #RakeshYadav for making me stronger on a regular basis, girls you’re no longer robust for a g…
— Disha Patani (@DishPatani) 1552024249000
Because #WomensDay isn't just about buying groceries reductions & salon reductions! ✊
— Swara Bhasker (@TrulySwara) 1552012100000
मेरी कविता - “इक लड़की ऐसी है जो बचपन में बड़ी हो गयी” #happywomensday #महिलादिवस
— Ayushmann Khurrana (@ayushmannk) 1552027072000
Happy Women’s day!! Not just today however on a regular basis of our Lives❤️ #happywomensday
— Varun Sharma (@varunsharma90) 1552019852000
#HappyWomensDay ✨
— Athiya Shetty (@theathiyashetty) 1552020588000
This Women's Day, I stand for #EducationForEquality! Do you? Then support this motion for girl child training. C…
— Konkona Sensharma (@konkonas) 1552026563000
Fierce Bold Daring, #HappyWomensDay2019 #HappyInternationalWomensDay
— Mallika Sherawat (@mallikasherawat) 1552022695000
— Yami Gautam (@yamigautam) 1552031155000
Remember, Women are born empowered Happy girls's day you beautiful girls . . . #womensday #girls…
— Juhi Chawla (@iam_juhi) 1552030522000
Happy girls’s day.. You have the ability to present beginning to a brand new existence. In each avatar you support your kids,father,b…
— King Mika Singh (@MikaSingh) 1552030489000