RAJKOT: Pandemonium broke out at a Congress election rally in Surendranagar’s Baldana village on Friday when Patidar quota stir chief Hardik Patel was slapped on the level by means of a person from Mehsana district. When Hardik was addressing the Jan Aakrosh Rally, the person identified as Tarun Gajjar climbed on to the dais with a shawl in his hand. Initially, it seemed like he was going to honour him, however swiftly he slapped Hardik. Gajjar, a local of Jasalpur village in Mehsana’s Kadi taluka, was heard in video announcing “you are accountable for the dying of 14 Patidars”. The assault sparked furore amongst his supporters in addition to Congress workers who stuck hang of Gajjar and thrashed him.
Plaint filed in opposition to Gajjar
A lot of girls provide on the function additionally stripped him naked and thrashed him at the same time as policemen made determined makes an attempt to forestall them. With nice issue, Gajjar was pushed inside the police jeep and taken to Limbdi police station after which shifted to CU Shah Hospital in Surendranagar for remedy.
Based on Hardik’s grievance, Wadhvan police lodged a non-cognizable offence in opposition to Gajjar, a land broker who additionally does farming in his village. Hardik claimed that the assailant was a BJP sympathiser and with reference to sitting Mehsana BJP MP Jayshree Patel. Gajjar said he was now not related to any political birthday party.
“During Patidar agitation, my wife just about suffered a miscarriage. Due to common bandh calls, it became tricky to take my unwell son to the sanatorium,” Gajjar advised newshounds. He said he had attempted to attack Hardik in Kalol on April 13 and in Balisana on April 17. But each makes an attempt failed. TNN
Plaint filed in opposition to Gajjar
A lot of girls provide on the function additionally stripped him naked and thrashed him at the same time as policemen made determined makes an attempt to forestall them. With nice issue, Gajjar was pushed inside the police jeep and taken to Limbdi police station after which shifted to CU Shah Hospital in Surendranagar for remedy.
Based on Hardik’s grievance, Wadhvan police lodged a non-cognizable offence in opposition to Gajjar, a land broker who additionally does farming in his village. Hardik claimed that the assailant was a BJP sympathiser and with reference to sitting Mehsana BJP MP Jayshree Patel. Gajjar said he was now not related to any political birthday party.
“During Patidar agitation, my wife just about suffered a miscarriage. Due to common bandh calls, it became tricky to take my unwell son to the sanatorium,” Gajjar advised newshounds. He said he had attempted to attack Hardik in Kalol on April 13 and in Balisana on April 17. But each makes an attempt failed. TNN
Hardik Patel slapped on stage at public meeting in Gujarat
Reviewed by Kailash
April 20, 2019