Marathon held on Marshal Arjan Singh centenary

PUNE: Air power station, Lohegaon on Sunday carried out a part marathon to commemorate the 100th birthday of the mythical Marshal of the Indian Air Force (IAF) overdue Arjan Singh here. The run was a real tribute to the struggle hero, said IAF authorities.

The iconic ‘air warrior’ was the IAF chief between 1964 – 1969. The nation’s ultimate surviving five-star basic passed away in 2017.

Over 100 individuals from the air station took part within the match. The run was flagged-off via Air Commodore Rahul Bhasin Vayu Sena Medal (VSM), Air Officer Commanding (AOC) of the station within the early hours of Sunday.

The marathoners participated with nice enthusiasm to make the event an enormous success. The match culminated with distribution of prizes.

The AOC emphasized as to how Marshal of the IAF stressed significance of bodily fitness in daily lifestyles. He urged everyone to stay themselves physically have compatibility and adopt bodily activities as a part of their daily lives.

Singh, born on April 15, 1919 in Lyalpur of undivided Punjab, was awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) all through the Burma marketing campaign of World War-II, and later entrusted with the responsibility of main the IAF when he was just 44 years old. He effectively advised the power all through the 1965 Indo-Pak struggle after some initial setbacks.

Setting prime requirements for IAF together with his daredevil struggle flying and upright habits all through service, Arjan Singh later served as India's envoy to Switzerland and Kenya within the 1970s in addition to the Lt-Governor of Delhi all through 1989-90. A philanthropist, he once donated Rs 2 crore for the welfare of retired IAF staff and their families.

In 2002, he turned into simplest the 3rd Service chief to be conferred with the Field Marshal-rank, the perfect honorary rank within the military, after former Army chiefs Sam Manekshaw and Ok M Cariappa.

Marathon held on Marshal Arjan Singh centenary Marathon held on Marshal Arjan Singh centenary Reviewed by Kailash on April 17, 2019 Rating: 5
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