Veteran Bollywood actor Shammi passed on to the great beyond at the age of 89 after a prolonged illness. Her funeral used to be held at Mumbai's Oshiwara cemetery on Tuesday.
Among those who came to pay their closing respects to the actor were her close pals as well as her co-stars, Boman Irani and Farah Khan, from her closing movie, 'Shirin Farhad Ki Toh Nikal Padi'.
Sanjay Dutt’s sister Priya Dutt, actors Sushant Singh and Annu Kapoor were also present for the closing rites held in Mumbai.
According to studies, veteran personality actress for almost six decades, Nargis Rabadi, popularly referred to as Shammi, breathed her closing at her home.
Among those who came to pay their closing respects to the actor were her close pals as well as her co-stars, Boman Irani and Farah Khan, from her closing movie, 'Shirin Farhad Ki Toh Nikal Padi'.
Sanjay Dutt’s sister Priya Dutt, actors Sushant Singh and Annu Kapoor were also present for the closing rites held in Mumbai.
According to studies, veteran personality actress for almost six decades, Nargis Rabadi, popularly referred to as Shammi, breathed her closing at her home.
Pics: Veteran actress Shammi's funeral
Reviewed by Kailash
March 06, 2018