Corruption still the biggest obstacle for entrepreneurs in India

NEW DELHI: India climbed 30 places to make it to the highest 100 for ‘ease of doing industry’ in the World Bank’s 2018 report. While the federal government has been gung-ho over this success, floor realities inform a unique story. According to NCAER State Investment Potential Index 2017, marketers say corruption remains to be the most important hurdle in doing industry, adopted through getting approvals. They did, alternatively, say that it’s now easier to get electrical energy, water and web connectivity.


Only 43.five in keeping with cent of marketers face no downside in relation to corruption of their states, whilst 30.8 in keeping with cent believe it to be average and the remainder say it is very severe.


Entrepreneurs faced the most corruption in West Bengal with 52.nine in keeping with cent of them checklist it as a primary factor, adopted through Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan.


Gujarat emerges as the most corruption unfastened state in eyes of industrialists, adopted through Himachal Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh

Corruption still the biggest obstacle for entrepreneurs in India Corruption still the biggest obstacle for entrepreneurs in India Reviewed by Kailash on June 25, 2018 Rating: 5
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