Girl forced to clean out toilets: Mom moves court

MADURAI : A dalit girl has approached the Madurai bench of the Madras prime courtroom looking for its intervention and direction to authorities to offer reimbursement to her daughter and different students who have been forced to wash bathrooms through a body of workers of the federal government highschool in Virudhunagar district.

Alleging discrimination in opposition to time table caste students at the govt highschool situated in Inamreddiyapatty village in Virudhunagar district, I Vijayalakshmi, a day-to-day wage labourer and mother of a Class 7 woman in the faculty filed the petition. She said that the conservancy body of workers, who is a non-dalit, had forced and threatened her daughter and different students to wash body of workers rest room, water tank and tiffin packing containers of the academics. After the problem got here to light in February this year, protests through folks and villagers resulted in the transfer of the concerned body of workers to some other faculty. However, the school authorities in the faculty education or the adi dravida welfare department didn't respond to their calls for for reimbursement after which Vijayalakshmi approached the courtroom. She said that phase from filing a petition to the district collector, folks of the affected children additionally staged an agitation condemning the state of being inactive through the officers.

The petitioner additionally mentioned that native police from Soolakarai police station registered an FIR in opposition to villagers together with girls underneath more than a few Sections of the IPC together with 143 (illegal meeting), 353 (assault to discourage public servant from discharge of duty) and sought action in opposition to the police

Girl forced to clean out toilets: Mom moves court Girl forced to clean out toilets: Mom moves court Reviewed by Kailash on June 06, 2018 Rating: 5
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