This Tempo’s got alloy wheels and AC, fights fire too

AJLOUD (DORAHA): The three-wheeled Tempo Handseat is a passenger car which is usually noticed absolutely packed in villages and small towns of Punjab, but this one is different. For starters, it has air conditioning, alloy wheels, and relaxed seats.

That’s not all. Owned through Doraha resident Simranjit Singh, 27, the Tempo even has fire-fighting equipment. Unfortunately, Simranjit has been the use of the car for himself and not ferrying passengers in it. “Though we own round 4 acres of farmland, my father, past due Harchand Singh, would power the car. He purchased it for Rs 1.five lakh in 1995,” he says.

For Simranjit, the car tugs at his heartstrings. He says his father raised him and his more youthful brother, Bharpur Singh, with the source of revenue earned from ferrying passengers at the three-wheeler. “Before he died in 2008, my father would power the car between Khanna and Bagli, Khanna and Bija, and Samrala and Bhari. After his death, many people urged us to sell the car as they considered it scrap,” he says.

A BA graduate and authorized plumber from an ITI, Simranjit just may just not ditch the car which reminded him of his formative years and his father. “So, I decided to change it. After finishing my BA and plumber course in ITI two years in the past, I started enhancing the car. First, we got window panes for the car; then, we purchased tyres of an SUVs and fitted them with alloy wheels. Later, we fitted the air conditioner,” says Simranjit.

He says they got a separate petrol engine for the air conditioner. “We are the use of the engine of a Maruti 800,” he says.

The car, regardless that, just does not keep passengers cool in sizzling weather. “We have fitted the car with two blowers for the iciness,” he says.

Simranjit says the cost of revamping the car set him back through Rs 1.five lakh. “The seats and the entirety within it is relaxed. Also, the Tempo runs on diesel and offers a mileage of 16 km per litre,” he says.

Villagers additionally appreciate the affection of a son for his father. “This car is the middle of our village’s appeal,” says Surjeet Singh, a villager.


TYRES | To strengthen journey, Simranjit bough tyres of an SUV

WINDOWPANES | Fabricated new frame and fitted it with windowpanes

AIR CONDITIONER | He purchased the AC of a Maruit 800 and makes use of a separate car engine to energy it

This Tempo’s got alloy wheels and AC, fights fire too This Tempo’s got alloy wheels and AC, fights fire too Reviewed by Kailash on June 12, 2018 Rating: 5
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