Watch: 'The Nun' teaser

The makers of the 'The Conjuring' series have get a hold of yet another horrifying story which is bound to terrify you and this time the movie specializes in a demonic Nun.

The movie which is helmed through Corin Hardy is the fifth movie in ‘The Conjuring’ universe and stars Demián Bichir, Taissa Farmiga and Jonas Bloquet in pivotal roles.

The teaser provides us the glimpses of the story which is set a tender Nun from the Romanian abbey who takes her own lifestyles and the darkish horrors confronted through the priest and the sister who have been despatched there to investigate. The story revolves within a church wherein there are many unholy secrets and paths that are positive to keep the target audience at the edge of their seats.

Bonnie Aarons can also be noticed reprising her role as the sinister sister from, 'The Conjuring 2' while Demian Bichir plays Father Burke, the priest who's investigating the homicide of mysterious dying of a Nun.

Watch: 'The Nun' teaser Watch: 'The Nun' teaser Reviewed by Kailash on June 14, 2018 Rating: 5
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