NAVI MUMBAI: On Monday, revenue division officials stuck 50 vans dumping debris at Daastan Phata wetland in Uran's Jasai village. The officials had been visiting the web page underneath the course of the mangrove committee. Earlier this month, wooded area officials seized 3 vans dumping debris in the wooded area spaces and mangroves.
Shree Ekvira Aai Pratisthan head Nandakumar Pawar claimed that just about half of the 400 acres of the wetland stretch has been reclaimed by unlawful dumping mafia. Wetland monitoring committee member-secretary DCF Jayarame Gowda stated, "Our role is limited...we do not have the power to prosecute. The collector and revenue authorities, including Panvel sub-divisional officer, have been informed about the problem, we are awaiting a reply."
While one truck was stuck dumping debris in the reserve wooded area space at Nhava creek on December 22, two vans had been nabbed close to the mangroves Ranjanpada village on December 6. Assistant conservator of forests Nandkishor Kupte stated the drivers have were given bail, however the vans are still of their possession.
Shree Ekvira Aai Pratisthan head Nandakumar Pawar claimed that just about half of the 400 acres of the wetland stretch has been reclaimed by unlawful dumping mafia. Wetland monitoring committee member-secretary DCF Jayarame Gowda stated, "Our role is limited...we do not have the power to prosecute. The collector and revenue authorities, including Panvel sub-divisional officer, have been informed about the problem, we are awaiting a reply."
While one truck was stuck dumping debris in the reserve wooded area space at Nhava creek on December 22, two vans had been nabbed close to the mangroves Ranjanpada village on December 6. Assistant conservator of forests Nandkishor Kupte stated the drivers have were given bail, however the vans are still of their possession.
53 trucks caught dumping debris in Navi Mumbai
Reviewed by Kailash
December 27, 2018