PSC to cancel forms with overwriting

ALLAHABAD: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission will cancel the candidature of Provincial Civil Services (PCS-2016) aspirants who had used whitener or did overwriting in interview software forms.
Thedecision has been taken to curb malpractices in the variety procedure.

"However, candidates who have made wrong online entries could amend them by clicking the 'edit' option given in the official website: Candidates can click at 'click here to modify details' option and the opportunity for amending mistakes would be provided only once," officials mentioned.

Surendra Prasad Upadhyay, deputy secretary, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission mentioned, "The amendments could be made a day before the interviews. If any aspirant wants to change the date of interview, then this can be done through edit option."

The results of PCS-16 written examinations had been announced through the Commission after an opening of 2 years on November 16.

The interviews can be performed from December 10 to January 24.

PSC to cancel forms with overwriting PSC to cancel forms with overwriting Reviewed by Kailash on December 09, 2018 Rating: 5
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