Recession takes sheen off Uttarayan festival in Surat

SURAT: Unlike annually, excitement among Surtis to have fun Uttarayan is lacking this time. Blame it on recession in the diamond and textile sectors, enthusiasm for the festival is nowhere to be seen in the city but.

If manjha and kite dealers are to be believed, then the costs have long gone up by way of almost 30% due to Goods and Services Tax. This is why kite lovers are but to hit the roads to make the acquisition and are looking ahead to the closing second when the kite dealers would be in a hurry to clear their stocks.

Rander town, the oldest bazaar for home made kites, is dormant. Like earlier years, this time only a few kite stalls can also be seen in Rander. Similar is the situation at Bhagal and Dabgarwad-the two happening spots, famous around the state for their monopoly in manjha production.

“We acquire subject matter for kite making four months forward of Uttarayan festival. The kite paper is procured from Hyderabad and Kaman-dhadha (particular stick) from Kolkata. The subject matter is expensive (12% GST on colored paper, 5% on strings and 5% on sticks) and we will be able to’t procure it in bulk as we don’t have GSTN number,” said Imtiyaz Patangwala, the fourth generation kite manufacturer in Rander.

Patangwala added, “Though we've purchased subject matter for kite making thru our old channels, but now it is a challenge for clearing the inventory. People are but to challenge out to purchase kites.”

Kamesh Chapaneria, a kite vendor at Bhagal, said, “There is a 35% building up in kite costs this yr. The panja (package of five kites), which we had been selling for Rs100 closing yr, is being bought now for Rs135. People are reluctant to buy. Uttarayan fever is but to grip Surtis this season.”

Recession takes sheen off Uttarayan festival in Surat Recession takes sheen off Uttarayan festival in Surat Reviewed by Kailash on January 07, 2019 Rating: 5
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