COIMBATORE: In a bid to inspire and lend a hand tree growers and farmers, scientists on the city-based Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding have advanced a cellular app that focuses in particular on commonplace sicknesses affecting forest bushes. The app additionally permits people to upload a picture of the diseased portion of the tree for more info. The app managers will have a look at the image and guide the user on tips on how to deal with the precise problem.
The android app, titled 'Forest Tree Diseases', was once launched on the Silviculture conference held in Bangalore in December. "The app deals with 16 major forest nursery and plantation diseases. It has information about organisms that cause diseases, symptoms of the disease and control measures that can be taken," IFGTB director Mohit Gera stated. Diseases are in most cases caused via fungi, micro organism and viruses, the ENVIS coordinator who manages the app, Dr Kannan Warrier, stated.
"In cases where the app user, usually a farmer, private individual grower or forest department staff, does not still have sufficient information to control the problem, he or she can upload a picture of the diseased portion of the tree and the tree. The ENVIS team, managing the app, will look at the picture, and directly message or contact the farmer and explain the disease and control measures," added the director.
This comes at a time when the ministry of forests, surroundings and climate change is encouraging growing and farming of pulpwood, teak wood and other forest bushes outside the reserve forest areas. "The central government aims to meet all their pulp, fuel and fodder and timber demands domestically and from trees farmed outside forest areas," Mohit Gera stated. "The aim is to reduce import of wood and completely stop felling of trees in our forests," he stated. "All institutions under the MoEfcc are working on increasing area under forest tree plantations across different agro climatic zones by encouraging more farmers and individuals to get into tree growing," he added.
The android app, titled 'Forest Tree Diseases', was once launched on the Silviculture conference held in Bangalore in December. "The app deals with 16 major forest nursery and plantation diseases. It has information about organisms that cause diseases, symptoms of the disease and control measures that can be taken," IFGTB director Mohit Gera stated. Diseases are in most cases caused via fungi, micro organism and viruses, the ENVIS coordinator who manages the app, Dr Kannan Warrier, stated.
"In cases where the app user, usually a farmer, private individual grower or forest department staff, does not still have sufficient information to control the problem, he or she can upload a picture of the diseased portion of the tree and the tree. The ENVIS team, managing the app, will look at the picture, and directly message or contact the farmer and explain the disease and control measures," added the director.
This comes at a time when the ministry of forests, surroundings and climate change is encouraging growing and farming of pulpwood, teak wood and other forest bushes outside the reserve forest areas. "The central government aims to meet all their pulp, fuel and fodder and timber demands domestically and from trees farmed outside forest areas," Mohit Gera stated. "The aim is to reduce import of wood and completely stop felling of trees in our forests," he stated. "All institutions under the MoEfcc are working on increasing area under forest tree plantations across different agro climatic zones by encouraging more farmers and individuals to get into tree growing," he added.
Scientists launch app to assist tree growers, farmers
Reviewed by Kailash
January 07, 2019