Watch: Kader Khan on why he lost films

Bollywood aroused from sleep to the sorrowful information of veteran actor-screenwriter Kader Khan’s death on the New Year. B-town celebs mourned the death of the ace actor by expressing the condolences on the social media. Amitabh Bachchan was additionally one of the most celebs who remembered the actor on the distressing occasion.
Since then, quite a lot of previous interviews and stories of the overdue veteran actor were doing the rounds on the social media. We recently got our hands on one such video the place the overdue legend may also be observed talking about how he lost films and the explanation will go away you shocked.

In the video clip, overdue Kader Khan may also be observed confessing that he had lost films because he refused to name Amitabh Bachchan, ‘Sir Ji’. Narrating the incident, he may also be heard saying he called Amitabh Bachchan ‘Amit’ and once a producer from the south got here and requested him if he met Sir ji and on enquiring, he realised the producer was referring to Amitabh Bachchan. He advised the actor that that is how they all addressed him and shortly enough everyone else too started calling him ‘Sir ji’. However, the actor couldn’t convey himself to say that and that he believed was the start of it.

Check out the video right here:

Kader Khan additionally added that he couldn’t convey himself to name his friend and brother by some other name. And he mentioned that since then their equation was never the same. The actor said that he was not in ‘Khuda Gawah’ and that he was writing ‘Ganga Jamunaa Saraswati’ but then he left it midway. There had been several different films that the actor had begun paintings on but quit.

After the sorrowful death of the veteran actor, Amitabh Bachchan had taken to Twitter to offer his condolences to the circle of relatives of the bereaved.

Watch: Kader Khan on why he lost films Watch: Kader Khan on why he lost films Reviewed by Kailash on January 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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