Watch: Salman tries his hand at archery

Salman Khan, who will be next noticed in 'Bharat' is recently in Goa with the film's staff and solid. The film is shot in quite a lot of locations which include Malta, Punjab, Abu Dhabi and Delhi and the following agenda will be shot in Goa. Every day BTS footage and videos of the solid pass viral at the Internet in no time. Recently, a video of Salman Khan has surfaced at the Internet where tried his hand at archery put up pack up in Goa.

In this video, we will see Salman going for the very best intention. The team individuals cheered for him. Salman seems to be sensible in informal attire within the video. According to the reports, Salman Khan’s rumoured female friend Iulia Vantur has additionally joined the actor in Goa.

Check out the video right here:

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‪Bullseye! #SalmanKhan taking part in Archery in Goa! 😍‬

A put up shared through Salman Khan (@salmankhanfanclub) on

Apart from Salman Khan, the film additionally stars Katrina Kaif, Disha Patani, Tabu and Sunil Grover in pivotal roles. The film will release on Eid this 12 months.
Watch: Salman tries his hand at archery Watch: Salman tries his hand at archery Reviewed by Kailash on January 05, 2019 Rating: 5
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