ALLAHABAD: More than 2 crore pilgrims took a dip on the Sangam on Basant Panchami, the closing shahi snan of the Kumbh amid icy winds sweeping the mela grounds and the mercury plummeting to 7 degrees Celsius, triggering an intense cold wave. But the coolness failed to discourage tens of millions of devotees from charging against the pristine confluence of rivers with the legendary Saraswati turning into the important thing to completing the cycle of nirvana on Basant Panchami day.
Seventeen drones have been simultaneously deployed for the first time for seamless crowd management after hiccups all over the pilgrim flood all over Mauni Amavasya snan closing week. While the waft of akhara processions was regulated, ash-smeared, sword-wielding Naga sadhus have been at their belligerent easiest in their closing tryst with Kumbh this year.
At least 20,000 seers of the fiercest monastic order, who will troop out of the Mela grounds from Monday, got here out in complete energy after daybreak, smearing bhaboot on their bodies and exhibiting their martial prowess with swords while their hi-tech, chillum-smoking brethren interrupted the procession to click on the spiritual birthday celebration of nudity.
While many mahamandaleshwars led the snan, Union minister and recently ordained top priest Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti also took a holy dip on Sunday. Talking to TOI, she mentioned, "Basant Panchami is an auspicious occasion and I have come to complete the last shahi snan."
SSP (Kumbh) KP Singh, mentioned, "We focused on crowd management at ghats and at five high-density pockets, including Kali Sadak, Sangam Nose, Sangam Lower Marg, Jhunsi and Akhsayvat Marg."
Seventeen drones have been simultaneously deployed for the first time for seamless crowd management after hiccups all over the pilgrim flood all over Mauni Amavasya snan closing week. While the waft of akhara processions was regulated, ash-smeared, sword-wielding Naga sadhus have been at their belligerent easiest in their closing tryst with Kumbh this year.
At least 20,000 seers of the fiercest monastic order, who will troop out of the Mela grounds from Monday, got here out in complete energy after daybreak, smearing bhaboot on their bodies and exhibiting their martial prowess with swords while their hi-tech, chillum-smoking brethren interrupted the procession to click on the spiritual birthday celebration of nudity.
While many mahamandaleshwars led the snan, Union minister and recently ordained top priest Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti also took a holy dip on Sunday. Talking to TOI, she mentioned, "Basant Panchami is an auspicious occasion and I have come to complete the last shahi snan."
SSP (Kumbh) KP Singh, mentioned, "We focused on crowd management at ghats and at five high-density pockets, including Kali Sadak, Sangam Nose, Sangam Lower Marg, Jhunsi and Akhsayvat Marg."
2 crore pilgrims take dip on Kumbh's last shahi snan
Reviewed by Kailash
February 11, 2019