VADODARA: The J P Road police have arrested two more persons for circulating obscene photos of a rape survivor. Rahsman Dhavan and Manish Patel, who had been a part of a WhatsApp team, had been nabbed in Vadodara on Thursday. The police stated that the duo had forwarded the photos in a WhatsApp team some days in the past and made them viral.
The police officers have already arrested 3 persons including Jaydeep Makwana, Bhavesh Mehta and Mukesh Thakkar for circulating the photos on a WhatsApp team. The incident got here to gentle when the girl’s former husband learnt about her photos being circulated on WhatsApp. He approached Jaydeep who had stored the photos on a WhatsApp team who then revealed the names of others.
The girl has filed a complaint of rape towards a leading neurosurgeon, Dr Yashesh Dalal who is these days on the run. She instructed the police that Dalal took her to different places beneath the pretext of attending meetings and raped her.
The police officers have already arrested 3 persons including Jaydeep Makwana, Bhavesh Mehta and Mukesh Thakkar for circulating the photos on a WhatsApp team. The incident got here to gentle when the girl’s former husband learnt about her photos being circulated on WhatsApp. He approached Jaydeep who had stored the photos on a WhatsApp team who then revealed the names of others.
The girl has filed a complaint of rape towards a leading neurosurgeon, Dr Yashesh Dalal who is these days on the run. She instructed the police that Dalal took her to different places beneath the pretext of attending meetings and raped her.
2 held for circulating images of rape survivor
Reviewed by Kailash
February 14, 2019