Coimbatore: Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the district administration on Saturday introduced a five-day power to create awareness on electronic voting machines and the voter-verifiable paper audit path (VVPAT) machine.
Sixty automobiles wearing a machine each and every will pass around the district and teach folks find out how to use the machine, its features and their rights as electorate. “The automobiles, fitted with loudspeakers, will create awareness on how the machines work, the way the choices will probably be displayed and the way they may be able to sign in their vote,” mentioned an respectable. “More importantly, we wish to create awareness on VVPAT, which will probably be like a broadcast receipt given to electorate when they vote. This slip can be utilized to ensure if the vote has been registered correctly.”
Sixty automobiles wearing a machine each and every will pass around the district and teach folks find out how to use the machine, its features and their rights as electorate. “The automobiles, fitted with loudspeakers, will create awareness on how the machines work, the way the choices will probably be displayed and the way they may be able to sign in their vote,” mentioned an respectable. “More importantly, we wish to create awareness on VVPAT, which will probably be like a broadcast receipt given to electorate when they vote. This slip can be utilized to ensure if the vote has been registered correctly.”
Drive to create voting awareness
Reviewed by Kailash
February 10, 2019