HYDERABAD: A proper wing staff were given a couple married at Kandlakoya Oxygen Park near Secunderabad in Telangana on Valentine's Day. In a video shared amongst proper wing groups, two kids having a look like college students tied the knot in the presence of fringe groups. According to the police, the couple willingly were given married.
"Soon after we got the information, we rushed to the spot, but no one was there. I investigated the incident and found out that the couple willingly got married and they were whiling away time in the park to get caught," said Gangadhar, circle inspector of Medchal police station.
According to police, the case was once no longer registered as there was once no criticism through the couple. Gangadhar also said that in keeping with the video, "the people are not from Bajrang Dal".
After the man tied the Mangal Sutra on woman necks, a person from the perimeter staff says "today is a auspicious day". The fringe staff also took a selfie with the couple.
One of the persons taking selfie with the couple (no longer in the image).
"Soon after we got the information, we rushed to the spot, but no one was there. I investigated the incident and found out that the couple willingly got married and they were whiling away time in the park to get caught," said Gangadhar, circle inspector of Medchal police station.
According to police, the case was once no longer registered as there was once no criticism through the couple. Gangadhar also said that in keeping with the video, "the people are not from Bajrang Dal".
After the man tied the Mangal Sutra on woman necks, a person from the perimeter staff says "today is a auspicious day". The fringe staff also took a selfie with the couple.
One of the persons taking selfie with the couple (no longer in the image).
Hyderabad: Right wing group gets couple married
Reviewed by Kailash
February 14, 2019