HYDERABAD: A 59-year-old woman was nabbed for the loss of life of her 25-year-old alcoholic son at Film Nagar overdue on Friday. The sufferer, R Srinivas, a dailywage worker, used to stay with his mother, R Narayanamma, sister and brother-in-law in a single-bedroom area at Navanirman Nagar Colony.
“Srinivas was hooked on alcohol and used to go back home inebriated nearly every night. He used to pick out a struggle with his mother and physically attack her too,” said Banjara Hills inspector N Kalinga Rao.
Around 9pm on Friday, Srinivas returned home after eating alcohol at an area bar. He then picked up a struggle with his mother overdue in the night and allegedly hit her. “Narayanamma picked up a stick and hit him on his head. She didn't realise the stick’s edge was sharp till Srinivas fell and started bleeding. He died of head damage,” the inspector added.
Apart from Narayanamma, her son-in-law was also present at home at the time of the incident. He referred to as his wife and instructed her concerning the incident. “The family knowledgeable the police round 6am,” the officer said.
Narayanamma, who was booked for murder, was taken into custody by means of the police on Saturday.
“Srinivas was hooked on alcohol and used to go back home inebriated nearly every night. He used to pick out a struggle with his mother and physically attack her too,” said Banjara Hills inspector N Kalinga Rao.
Around 9pm on Friday, Srinivas returned home after eating alcohol at an area bar. He then picked up a struggle with his mother overdue in the night and allegedly hit her. “Narayanamma picked up a stick and hit him on his head. She didn't realise the stick’s edge was sharp till Srinivas fell and started bleeding. He died of head damage,” the inspector added.
Apart from Narayanamma, her son-in-law was also present at home at the time of the incident. He referred to as his wife and instructed her concerning the incident. “The family knowledgeable the police round 6am,” the officer said.
Narayanamma, who was booked for murder, was taken into custody by means of the police on Saturday.
59-yr-old woman held for death of alcoholic son
Reviewed by Kailash
March 18, 2019