Rajkot: Following Gujarat prime court’s (HC) order in a 2101 case of murder, Wankaner taluka police on Wednesday arrested four persons from their villages in Morbi district. The accused have been recognized as Rugnath Ghodasara, Tulsi Kasundara and Manish and his brother Ketan Patel, who have been arrested from Ravapar, Dhunada and Adepar villages respectively.
The accused had allegedly stabbed Bharat Patadia to loss of life at the outskirts of Panchashiya village of Wankaner taluka in Morbi district.
On July 9, 2010, Patadia had long past together with Ramesh Rabari to till a disputed plot of land. The land dispute used to be between Dinesh Patel and Trambak Patel. Dinesh had leased out the land to Rabari for cultivation. When Trambak came to understand that his land used to be being tilled with out his permission, he together with Ghodasara, Kasundara, Manish and his brother Ketan arrived at the spot with knives and attacked Rabari. When Patadia intervened, they allegedly stabbed him to loss of life.
“At the time of the crime, Rabari had lodged a complaint against Trambak, who used to be arrested. However, because the police didn't arrest the other accused, Rabari moved the HC in January this yr, following which the HC ordered Wankaner taluka police station to arrest all the accused involved in the case,” said a supply from Wankaner taluka police station.
Meanwhile, Trambak used to be acquitted via Morbi sessions court which gave him the good thing about the doubt on March 25 this yr.
The four accused arrested in the case have been produced ahead of Wankaner chief judicial Justice of the Peace court which despatched them to one-day remand.
The accused had allegedly stabbed Bharat Patadia to loss of life at the outskirts of Panchashiya village of Wankaner taluka in Morbi district.
On July 9, 2010, Patadia had long past together with Ramesh Rabari to till a disputed plot of land. The land dispute used to be between Dinesh Patel and Trambak Patel. Dinesh had leased out the land to Rabari for cultivation. When Trambak came to understand that his land used to be being tilled with out his permission, he together with Ghodasara, Kasundara, Manish and his brother Ketan arrived at the spot with knives and attacked Rabari. When Patadia intervened, they allegedly stabbed him to loss of life.
“At the time of the crime, Rabari had lodged a complaint against Trambak, who used to be arrested. However, because the police didn't arrest the other accused, Rabari moved the HC in January this yr, following which the HC ordered Wankaner taluka police station to arrest all the accused involved in the case,” said a supply from Wankaner taluka police station.
Meanwhile, Trambak used to be acquitted via Morbi sessions court which gave him the good thing about the doubt on March 25 this yr.
The four accused arrested in the case have been produced ahead of Wankaner chief judicial Justice of the Peace court which despatched them to one-day remand.
Four arrested in 2010 murder case
Reviewed by Kailash
April 19, 2019