Increase of more than 1.5 lakh voters in district since 2014

Ludhiana: The remaining date for eligible persons to register as citizens ended on April 19, and now the general up to date electoral rolls will probably be released once the nomination process for the approaching Lok Sabha elections is over on April 29. However, as in keeping with figures recorded till January 31, the total selection of citizens in 14 constituencies of Ludhiana district stands at 25,16,885, which has registered an build up of one,76,546 (7.54%) in comparison to 2014, when the total selection of citizens in the district used to be 23,40,339.

Speaking to TOI, deputy commissioner-cum-district election officer Pradeep Agrawal mentioned: “I think the simplification of the registration process, and making it online has contributed a lot to the rise in voter base. Earlier, other folks needed to go through several complexities, like learning a BLO (block-level officer), manually filling up paperwork, and then submitting them, which is no more the case now. Another explanation why for the rise can be attributed to the greater awareness level among electorate.”

According to statistical data available with IdealNews from the place of job of leader electoral officer (Punjab), the total selection of male citizens in Ludhiana as on January 2019 stands at 13,48,392, which used to be 12,50,294 in 2014 (an build up of 98,098 citizens), while the selection of female citizens stood at 11,68,434 which used to be 10,90,045 in 2014 (an build up of 78,389 citizens). This time, 59 third gender citizens too are registered in the district, which is the second one best in the state, behind Amritsar where 65 of them registered as citizens. Gill constituency of Ludhiana has the maximum selection of registered citizens at 2,49,487, adopted by Sahnewal (2,32,542). Among all the 14 constituencies, Ludhiana South has the least selection of citizens at 68,684.

Increase of more than 1.5 lakh voters in district since 2014 Increase of more than 1.5 lakh voters in district since 2014 Reviewed by Kailash on April 22, 2019 Rating: 5
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