Bollywood megastar Ranveer Singh, who gave us memorable performances through the years, be it Peshwa Bajirao from 'Bajirao Mastani' or 'Kabir Mehra' from 'Dil Dhadakne Do'. The actor has numbers of films and his kitty and he's recently gearing up for his first collaboration with filmmaker Kabir Khan. Kabir and Ranveer have teamed up for sports drama '83. The movie is in keeping with India's historic win against West Indies at the 1983 global cup.
Recently, Ranveer and his co-star had been papped at the airport as they jetted off to London for the first schedule of the movie. The 'Padmaavat actor will essay the role of Indian skipper Kapil Dev. Apart from him, the movie also stars R Badree, Harrdy Sandhu, Chirag Patil, Saqib Saleem, Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Bhasin, Ammy Virk, Adinath Kothare and Saahil Khattar in pivotal roles.
Check out their pictures here:
The movie is slated to unlock on April 10, 2020.
Read Also:Pankaj Tripathi on his '83' co-star Ranveer Singh; says he brings a large number of prime adrenaline, positive energy
And the journey of '83 begins in London with @RanveerProfessional and team!
— BombayTimes (@bombaytimes) 1559015522000
Recently, Ranveer and his co-star had been papped at the airport as they jetted off to London for the first schedule of the movie. The 'Padmaavat actor will essay the role of Indian skipper Kapil Dev. Apart from him, the movie also stars R Badree, Harrdy Sandhu, Chirag Patil, Saqib Saleem, Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Bhasin, Ammy Virk, Adinath Kothare and Saahil Khattar in pivotal roles.
Check out their pictures here:
The movie is slated to unlock on April 10, 2020.
'83': Ranveer and team leave for London
Reviewed by Kailash
May 28, 2019