Deepika Padukone turned heads on the prestigious Met Gala 2019 when she dressed up like a dream Barbie doll on the purple carpet. The actress wore Zac Posen customized robe of crimson lurex Jacquard, adorned with three-dimensional published items intended to resemble embroidery. We recently were given our fingers on a video that presentations what went at the back of the scene as DP dolled up for the global match. And it's one fascinating adventure and totally price it.
Check out the video here:
Posen too took to his Instagram account to proportion the glance of the svelte beauty. The designer posted a surprising image of Deepika and wrote, “The gorgeous and fabulous Deepika Padukone dressed in a customized Zac Posen metal crimson lurex jacquard robe. This robe comprises Zac Posen x GE Additive x Protolabs embroidery.”
From Priyanka Chopra to Lady Gaga to Billy Porter, everybody stunned on the purple carpet.
Meanwhile on the paintings entrance, Deepika will next be seen in Meghna Gulzar’s ‘Chhapaak’ which additionally stars Vikrant Massey in pivotal role.
Check out the video here:
View this publish on Instagram#barbie ππ Follow π@deepikap.vintage #deepikapadukone #ranveersingh #aishwaryaraibachchan #aliabhatt #jhanvikapoor #jacquelinef143 #katrinakaif #kareenakapoorkhan #anushkasharma #sonamkapoor #saraalikhan #dishapatani #varundhawan #sidharthmalhotra #priyankakishaadi #priyankachopra
Posen too took to his Instagram account to proportion the glance of the svelte beauty. The designer posted a surprising image of Deepika and wrote, “The gorgeous and fabulous Deepika Padukone dressed in a customized Zac Posen metal crimson lurex jacquard robe. This robe comprises Zac Posen x GE Additive x Protolabs embroidery.”
View this publish on InstagramThe gorgeous and fabulous @deepikapadukone dressed in a customized Zac Posen metal crimson lurex jacquard robe. This robe comprises Zac Posen x GE Additive x Protolabs embroidery. #ZPlovesTech #MetCamp #ZacPosen #DeepikaPadukone
From Priyanka Chopra to Lady Gaga to Billy Porter, everybody stunned on the purple carpet.
Meanwhile on the paintings entrance, Deepika will next be seen in Meghna Gulzar’s ‘Chhapaak’ which additionally stars Vikrant Massey in pivotal role.
Here's how Deepika dolled up for Met Gala 2019
Reviewed by Kailash
May 10, 2019