ALLAHABAD: The Allahabad prime court docket, which acquitted the Talwars on Thursday in the price of murdering their daughter Aarushi in 2008 in Noida, has detected a serious tampering by way of the CBI at the crucial DNA pattern discovered on pillow quilt recovered from Krishna Thadarai, an previous accused and hospital attendant of Dr Rajesh Talwar. The Allahabad HC, in its order last week, has mentioned that it discovered that the CBI had broken the seals of the packets containing the 2 pillow covers, recovered from the scenes of crime, and their reviews.
A pillow and its blue quilt have been recovered from Talwars' domestic assist Hemraj's room while some other crimson pillow quilt used to be recovered from Krishna's house in Noida on May 16, 2008. A lab document from the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) Hyderabad on November 6, 2008 had discovered the DNA profile of blood on crimson pillow to be that of Hemraj, elevating suspicion about Krishna's involvement in the double homicide case.
The HC, in its October 12 order, wrote that it discovered that the description, packaging and paper slips of the pillow covers have been fully different from those observed in pictures that CBI produced prior to the Allahabad court docket.
In its order, the HC has additionally mentioned three damning statements made by way of CDFD's DNA skilled SPR Prasad during a cross-examination achieved by way of Talwar's legal professional Tanveer Ahmed Mir in the CBI court docket in Ghaziabad.
"The paper slips as observed in the two pictures of the aforesaid reveals are different from those affixed at the reveals after they have been opened for the first time prior to the trial court docket.
When the paper envelope during which the pillow and pillow quilt used to be packed used to be opened prior to the court docket, CFSL 2009/E 1025 used to be written at the envelope while at the photograph of the same showcase filed by way of the CBI prior to the apex court docket, the words 'CFSL 2010/E-1025" have been written. Similarly, the words "Sl (242) No.10" which might be visible at the photograph of crimson colour pillow quilt, have been conspicuous by way of their absence when the photograph of crimson colour pillow quilt used to be exhibited prior to the court docket. The clinical skilled SPR Prasad admitted that the entire 56 reveals, which were tested at CDFD Hyderabad have been correctly sealed in CDFD stationary along with proper seals," says the order by way of the division bench of Justices B K Narayana and AK Mishra.
A pillow and its blue quilt have been recovered from Talwars' domestic assist Hemraj's room while some other crimson pillow quilt used to be recovered from Krishna's house in Noida on May 16, 2008. A lab document from the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) Hyderabad on November 6, 2008 had discovered the DNA profile of blood on crimson pillow to be that of Hemraj, elevating suspicion about Krishna's involvement in the double homicide case.
The HC, in its October 12 order, wrote that it discovered that the description, packaging and paper slips of the pillow covers have been fully different from those observed in pictures that CBI produced prior to the Allahabad court docket.
In its order, the HC has additionally mentioned three damning statements made by way of CDFD's DNA skilled SPR Prasad during a cross-examination achieved by way of Talwar's legal professional Tanveer Ahmed Mir in the CBI court docket in Ghaziabad.
"The paper slips as observed in the two pictures of the aforesaid reveals are different from those affixed at the reveals after they have been opened for the first time prior to the trial court docket.
When the paper envelope during which the pillow and pillow quilt used to be packed used to be opened prior to the court docket, CFSL 2009/E 1025 used to be written at the envelope while at the photograph of the same showcase filed by way of the CBI prior to the apex court docket, the words 'CFSL 2010/E-1025" have been written. Similarly, the words "Sl (242) No.10" which might be visible at the photograph of crimson colour pillow quilt, have been conspicuous by way of their absence when the photograph of crimson colour pillow quilt used to be exhibited prior to the court docket. The clinical skilled SPR Prasad admitted that the entire 56 reveals, which were tested at CDFD Hyderabad have been correctly sealed in CDFD stationary along with proper seals," says the order by way of the division bench of Justices B K Narayana and AK Mishra.
Report on pillows of Hemraj, Krishna's had broken seals: Allahabad HC
Reviewed by Kailash
October 24, 2017