CBI files case against former Aligarh Muslim University VC

NEW DELHI: The Central Bureau of Investigation has filed a case against former Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University Naseem Ahmad in reference to alleged irregularities and cheating in the appointment of an assistant finance officer - Shakaib Arsalan in 2005.
CBI probe comes just about 10 years after Ahmad had resigned from the placement in 2007. He used to be the vice chancellor between 2002 and 2007.

The case pertains to the appointment of Shakaib Arsalan as Assistant Finance Officer in the AMU in 2005 in alleged violation of provisions of the AMU Act and rules.

Ahmad, Arsalan (now Joint Finance Officer) and Yasmeen Jalal Beg (finance officer) had been charged through CBI for prison conspiracy, cheating, forgery and prevention of corruption act.

A Preliminary Enquiry conducted through CBI printed that the vacancy for the submit of assistant finance officer and deputy finance officer have been advertised through the AMU on January 1, 2004 for which 22 applicants had implemented. Among the 22 applicants, 9 have been found to be eligible for the submit of the AFO which did not come with Arsalan.

Arsalan submitted a representation that his stage of Chartered Accountant is not being thought to be similar to a post-graduate stage in the shortlisting procedure whereas an AMU notification recognises these levels as similar. He requested for his consideration for the interview hung on February three, 2005.

The then Deputy Finance Officer Yasmeen Jalal Beg allegedly in violation of laid down process really useful the candidature of Arsalan for interview on the grounds that CA stage is the optimum qualification for any finance particular person and if a CA has implemented for the placement of the AFO, he's going to be an asset for the dept.

It has surfaced all the way through the CBI enquiry that Beg had put the be aware even though the document used to be now not marked to her, the CBI alleged. The be aware used to be forwarded through registrar and approved through Vice-Chancellor Naseem Ahmad, it alleged.

Arsalan in his representation had concealed that he scored much less that 55 per cent marks in CA exam and misled the officials through enclosing his section one marksheet which confirmed 55 per cent marks, says CBI. Beg concealed that there used to be one more candidate with a CA stage and really useful Arsalan's candidature as a part of the "criminal conspiracy" and in accordance with the interview Arsalan's used to be some of the three applicants really useful for the placement of AFO which used to be approved through the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the Executive Council.

The CBI found that the vice chancellor can use special powers on behalf of the Executive Council of the University but such selections mandatorily must be reported to the Council which used to be now not achieved in the meeting hung on October four, 2005, the FIR alleged.
CBI files case against former Aligarh Muslim University VC CBI files case against former Aligarh Muslim University VC Reviewed by Kailash on January 04, 2018 Rating: 5
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