Mosque, shops attacked in anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan police said petrol bombs had been hurled at a mosque on Thursday as hundreds of troops patrolled a bothered central district the place anti-Muslim violence has left 3 other people lifeless.
Muslim-owned companies had been set on fire and vandalised in numerous portions of Sri Lanka, police said, days after an island-wide state of emergency used to be imposed to curb riots in Kandy.

Armoured automobiles and heavily-armed troops fortified the hill district, the place internet services remain suspended and a night curfew is in position.

The executive ordered the internet blackout after police discovered mobs of Sinhalese rioters had been the usage of social media to coordinate assaults on Muslim institutions.

More than 200 houses, companies and automobiles have been torched in 3 days of violence by way of mobs from the mainly Buddhist Sinhalese majority.

A 24-hour curfew used to be imposed on Wednesday afternoon after a hand grenade exploded in the arms of an attacker, killing him and wounding 11 others, officers said.

The day-time curfew used to be eased following a relaxed evening however tensions remain top in the tourist hotspot and faculties shuttered.

But in Kuruvita, 125 kilometres (78 miles) south of Kandy, police said petrol bombs had been lobbed at a mosque. Little injury used to be inflicted and three suspects are being pursued.

In Weligama, 240 kilometres south of Kandy, a Muslim-owned industry used to be attacked, police said, while Muslim institutions had been pelted with stones in at least two other places out of doors Kandy.

Sri Lanka's telecoms regulator requested internet providers to block get right of entry to to Facebook and other social media platforms to forestall the spread of anti-Muslim hate speech.

Police have already known anti-Muslim messages being shared on social networks, together with a video posted by way of a hardline Buddhist monk urging violence towards Muslims.

Muslims in Kandy complained that security forces and police -- equipped with particular powers to detain underneath the emergency provision -- had been gradual to react as the violence spread out.

"The main junction is going up in flames. At the same time, the authorities are folding their arms and watching," said Muslim businessman M. Jaffer, as quoted in Thursday's DailyFT newspaper.

Former Sri Lankan cricket captain Kumar Sangakkara alluded to the island's historical past of ethnic violence in urging his countrymen "to say no to racism".

"We have to make sure that in Sri Lanka anyone and everyone feels safe, loved and accepted regardless of ethnicity or religion," he said in a video posted to Twitter.

President Maithripala Sirisena toured Kandy on Wednesday and ordered security forces to make use of the full drive of the legislation towards troublemakers.

Military officers said more reinforcements had been despatched to the realm on Wednesday evening to help police who resorted to teargas to disperse rioters the former evening.

The United Nations has condemned the violence and instructed Colombo "to ensure that appropriate measures are swiftly taken to restore normalcy in affected areas".

The Kandy region, 115 kilometres (72 miles) east of the capital Colombo, is popular with vacationers in addition to Buddhist pilgrims.

Holidaymakers have been instructed to avoid the hill hotel however no foreigners have been reported concerned in the unrest.

"Shops are opening, and more people can be seen on the roads since the curfew was lifted," a police legitimate in the area said by way of phone.

Kandy is house to Sri Lanka's holiest Buddhist shrine, the Temple of the Tooth Relic.

The chief custodian of the UNESCO-listed temple, Pradeep Nilanga Dela, said overseas vacationers and pilgrims had been flocking to the shrine despite the tensions.

The unrest started Monday after a Sinhalese man died following injuries sustained at the hands of a Muslim mob remaining week. Conflict escalated when a Muslim man used to be discovered lifeless in a burnt building on Tuesday.

Sinhalese Buddhists are the majority ethnic group in Sri Lanka, making up 75 % of its 21 million other people. Muslims make up 10 % of the population.

Parliament on Tuesday issued an apology to the island's Muslim minority for the most recent violence concentrated on them in the Indian Ocean island.

Mobs also set fire to Muslim-owned companies and attacked a mosque in the east of the rustic remaining week. Last November riots in the south of the island left one man lifeless and houses and automobiles broken.

In June 2014 riots between Buddhists, led by way of radical clergymen, and Muslims left 4 lifeless.
Mosque, shops attacked in anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka Mosque, shops attacked in anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka Reviewed by Kailash on March 08, 2018 Rating: 5
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