TIRUPUR: Opposition celebration members on Tuesday petitioned the district superintendent of police, E S Uma, seeking action towards Paramasamy, who was reappointed as Avinashi deputy superintendent of police 15 days after he was transferred to Salem district crime branch, announcing the sale of banned lotteries from Kerala, chicken fights, unlawful liquor sale and different police excesses had larger in Avinashi and its surrounding villages all through his tenure.
The members of DMK, Congress, CPM, CPI, VCK, MDMK, DMDK, TMC and PMK had just lately handed a solution seeking action towards him. They also raised suspicion over his reappointment as Avinashi DSP within 15 days after he was transferred to Salem district crime branch.
“Illegal activities have larger in Avinashi and its surrounding villages. Earlier, we by no means heard about chicken struggle practices within the area. But now, it's encouraged,” mentioned S Venkatachalam, CPM Avinashi union secretary.
They also pointed out that instances related to road traffic laws have come down as in step with legit document, while in reality such instances had been on the upward push. “Erring motorists get away with paying bribe. The sale of liquor in Tasmac retail outlets, bars and recreation golf equipment is not controlled at all. Such unlawful activities are allowed by means of accepting bribes. If cell phone call lists of police workforce had been verified, the truth will come out,” mentioned a social worker, inquiring for anonymity.
DSP Paramasamy was appointed deputy superintendent of police, Avinashi, in August 2016. He was transferred to district crime branch within the first week of February, 2018. But on February 17, he was brought again to Avinashi vary once more.
Refuting all fees, Paramasamy informed TOI, “Some of these political functionaries have a hidden time table and they've developed grudge towards me for taking tough action in folks oriented problems.”
The members of DMK, Congress, CPM, CPI, VCK, MDMK, DMDK, TMC and PMK had just lately handed a solution seeking action towards him. They also raised suspicion over his reappointment as Avinashi DSP within 15 days after he was transferred to Salem district crime branch.
“Illegal activities have larger in Avinashi and its surrounding villages. Earlier, we by no means heard about chicken struggle practices within the area. But now, it's encouraged,” mentioned S Venkatachalam, CPM Avinashi union secretary.
They also pointed out that instances related to road traffic laws have come down as in step with legit document, while in reality such instances had been on the upward push. “Erring motorists get away with paying bribe. The sale of liquor in Tasmac retail outlets, bars and recreation golf equipment is not controlled at all. Such unlawful activities are allowed by means of accepting bribes. If cell phone call lists of police workforce had been verified, the truth will come out,” mentioned a social worker, inquiring for anonymity.
DSP Paramasamy was appointed deputy superintendent of police, Avinashi, in August 2016. He was transferred to district crime branch within the first week of February, 2018. But on February 17, he was brought again to Avinashi vary once more.
Refuting all fees, Paramasamy informed TOI, “Some of these political functionaries have a hidden time table and they've developed grudge towards me for taking tough action in folks oriented problems.”
Opposition seeks action against Avinashi DSP
Reviewed by Kailash
March 01, 2018