Death toll up to 13 in Tuticorin police firing

MADURAI: The loss of life toll in Tuticorin’s anti-Sterlite protest rose to 13 on Thursday with Selvasekar,42 of Sawyerpuram, succumbing to injuries on the Tuticorin executive clinic.

Security on the executive clinic in Tuticorin was tight and the placement persevered to be tense. About 200 police workforce has been stationed there, together with senior IPS officials.

Read also: Police firing killed 796 civilians in 6 years

Sources said postmortem exam had been performed on two of the 13 bodies, as handiest 3 families of the deceased persons were present for inquest, as laws mandate.

The families of ten different victims have now not arrived on the clinic, some of them indignant with the device and the others protecting away due to native drive. On Wednesday, the Madras top courtroom had ordered that 11 bodies be preserved until additional orders.

Meanwhile, former Tirunelveli District Collector, Sandeep Nanduri took price as new Tuticorin District Collector.
Death toll up to 13 in Tuticorin police firing Death toll up to 13 in Tuticorin police firing Reviewed by Kailash on May 24, 2018 Rating: 5
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