BHUBANESWAR: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) and Government Railway Police (GRP) have jointly conducted a raid in a slum and recovered gold ornaments and different articles worth Rs 5 lakh from a robber within the city. The ornaments belong to 25-year-old Divya Reddy, whose marriage will probably be solemnised right here on May 7.
The theft took place at around 4.30am within the B2 coach of the Konark Express on Friday when the teach was once entering into Bhubaneswar railway station. Divya was once coming from Visakhapatnam within the categorical teach together with her relative.
GRP sources mentioned one robber Rabi Nayak and his two pals snatched Divya’s self-importance bag and jumped off the teach close to Phalikia Basti. As the teach was once running slowly, she additionally were given down from the teach and chased the robbers. But she didn't nab them, mentioned a GRP officer.
The girl lodged a complaint with the GRP in regards to the snatching. After getting complaint, the GRP and RPF began a search operation to nab the culprits. RPF’s particular activity force swung into action and nabbed Rabi, some of the accused. The joint group has continued its search to arrest different duo concerned within the loot.
Alok Kumar Jena, assistant safety commissioner in East Coast Railway, mentioned the joint group arrested Rabi and recovered the property. “GRP officials are interrogating him and they'll arrest others after you have clue from Rabi,” he added.
A GRP officer mentioned they've recovered 70 according to cent of the property. “After arresting the other duo, we can get the whole item looted within the teach,” he added.
Pratap Kumar Sahoo, fiancĂ© of Divya, took to Twitter to thank RPF squad for improving the property. “Quick action has been taken by way of RPF inspector-in-charge and his group. One is arrested within the case. I were given 70 according to cent of the gold ornaments back and on the lookout for rest of the property. Thanks for the good work,” he tweeted.
The theft took place at around 4.30am within the B2 coach of the Konark Express on Friday when the teach was once entering into Bhubaneswar railway station. Divya was once coming from Visakhapatnam within the categorical teach together with her relative.
GRP sources mentioned one robber Rabi Nayak and his two pals snatched Divya’s self-importance bag and jumped off the teach close to Phalikia Basti. As the teach was once running slowly, she additionally were given down from the teach and chased the robbers. But she didn't nab them, mentioned a GRP officer.
The girl lodged a complaint with the GRP in regards to the snatching. After getting complaint, the GRP and RPF began a search operation to nab the culprits. RPF’s particular activity force swung into action and nabbed Rabi, some of the accused. The joint group has continued its search to arrest different duo concerned within the loot.
Alok Kumar Jena, assistant safety commissioner in East Coast Railway, mentioned the joint group arrested Rabi and recovered the property. “GRP officials are interrogating him and they'll arrest others after you have clue from Rabi,” he added.
A GRP officer mentioned they've recovered 70 according to cent of the property. “After arresting the other duo, we can get the whole item looted within the teach,” he added.
Pratap Kumar Sahoo, fiancĂ© of Divya, took to Twitter to thank RPF squad for improving the property. “Quick action has been taken by way of RPF inspector-in-charge and his group. One is arrested within the case. I were given 70 according to cent of the gold ornaments back and on the lookout for rest of the property. Thanks for the good work,” he tweeted.
Railway police recover looted ornaments worth Rs 5 lakh of bride
Reviewed by Kailash
May 06, 2018