PWD to make govt buildings disabled-friendly

CHENNAI: Taking the first step towards making govt structures extra obtainable to folks with disabilities, the Government Museum at Egmore has been retrofitted with ramps and staircase lifts, but even so works on tactile flooring being performed across the museum premises.

The Public Works Department (PWD) will also be making phased post-audits of present govt structures necessary, to be performed each and every six months, involving representatives of Disability Rights Alliance (DRA), an advocacy crew, to check for accessibility provisions. An internal round will probably be passed on Thursday making these audits necessary. The reliable added the audit will probably be carried out via executive engineers involving one wheelchair-bound and one visually-impaired representative. "The reports will be shared with the chief engineer, and the progress made on existing buildings will be recorded every six months."

On Tuesday, PWD engineers organised a gathering with representatives from differently-abled teams. "It was encouraging to have a government body taking efforts to make infrastructure accessible for people with disabilities. We communicated our concern that accessibility is more than providing ramps and rails," stated Okay Raghu Raman, a member of DRA.

The issues deliberated incorporated the will for tactile flooring, obtainable elevate button panel, wheelchairs, evacuation mechanism for folks with disabilities, Braille markings and transparent information gadget.

Work is being undertaken on the ultimate five structures at the museum premises and is predicted to be whole via 2019. "For new constructions, it is mandatory to have accessibility. The requirements of ramps, barriers, tactile flooring, toilets, will be as per the standards set by the Central PWD. The existing buildings will have to retro-fitted as per norms," stated a senior PWD reliable, including that in circumstances where there's no house for such changes, PWD will not be able to do so.

PWD to make govt buildings disabled-friendly PWD to make govt buildings disabled-friendly Reviewed by Kailash on June 14, 2018 Rating: 5
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